Existential Kink Meditation (Having Is Evidence of Wanting)

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This is a meditation inspired from the book “Existential Kink” by Carolyn Elliott. This meditation is perfect if you are in a crisis situation with your life that you don’t know how to handle. It’s also quite enjoyable. Reading the book was also quite enjoyable and eye-opening for me.

It was like a book for witches and in that total realm of feminine manifestation and feminine magic.

Existential Kink Meditation: How to Start it

We have a choice on whether we experience things as pleasure or as pain. Try putting yourself in a relaxed state. Remember to let yourself be flexible and experimental on how you go about getting yourself relaxed. Remember that relaxation is key. Relaxation allows you to feel what is going on with your body.

Send yourself the signal that you are grounded and centered in this process. Now you can start to identify the situation in your life that your conscious mind or ego does not like. This existential kink is best applied to situations that are persisting patterns in your life.

Identify what feelings or emotions you associate with this situation. The very same sensations that are perceived are anxiety are just kinky excitement. Fear is just excitement without breath. Fear is just excitement without approval of the sensation. Focus on allowing yourself to take sadomasochistic pleasure on the sensations of that don’t like situation.

Enjoy the “Bad Situation”

Now gently allow yourself to get in touch with the part of yourself that passionately enjoys the feelings and sensations with the don’t like situation. Vulnerably allow yourself to get in touch with the previously unconscious part of you that enjoys that situation. Consider that fear and desire always go hand in hand. Remember “having is evidence of wanting”. Softly, temporary put aside your ego and your usual judgments about who you are and what you want.

Since the don’t like situation is going to be inevitably, totally removed anyway, allow yourself to feel how very much a secret taboo part of you enjoys it and cherishes it right now. That part of you have been hiding until now because your conscious mind has been shaming it. Experiment with playfully saying the following: “I’m now will not stop pretending of enjoying the thing right now” or “It’s OK for me to feel the forbitten without having to judge it”. You can also experiment with saying these statements and allowing yourself to enjoy it: “I don’t need to shame it”, “I’m allowed to want exactly what I want even it is considered bad”.

Humbly allow yourself to receive it and get off on the situation your unconscious so brilliantly created. This part of the existential kink process is crucial. Allow your subconscious to fully receive the situation it created.

Let Your Conscious and Subconscious Parts Meet

Make space for your conscious and unconscious mind to sexually merge and give space to synchronicity in your life. Your conscious mind and your unconscious mind can finally meet. Your conscious mind befriends your previously unconscious pleasures. This is the alchemy in the moment of transmutation.

Your going to enjoy your unconscious creations. “This unconscious enjoyment matters just as much as any other enjoyment in my life” and “I allow to enjoy it just as much as I do”.

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